The #1 Thing You Need in a Copywriting Portfolio

Beginners forget this far too often.

Victoria A. Fraser
6 min readMar 20, 2024
Photo by fauxels


Literally, that’s it.

Your copywriting samples are missing context.

I could spend 1000 words writing stats and over-explaining it.

But I won’t.

Instead, I’ll share how to add context to your copywriting samples and some examples of what it looks like in my own portfolio.

But first, let’s get a quick term out of the way that can confuse people…

What Do I Mean By Context?

Context, by definition, is the information that precedes something. It provides the background in which a piece of copy was written — so it explains WHY it was written in the first place.

To explain it another way, think of it like this. Your piece of copywriting is the actor and the context is the stage it’s performing on. Get it?

Image from Giphy

An actor wandering the street by herself in costume wouldn’t make much sense without knowing the play, the character, or the setting. And the same is true of your…



Victoria A. Fraser

Freelance copywriter, humourist, podcaster, and nerd. Follow along for writing tips, marketing blather, and my opinions!